Today’s Prayer to Passage will be from the book “Relativity: The Special and the General Theory” by Albert Einstein

Today I pray, “Dear God, This is awesome! I love that today’s book is by Albert Einstein because Albert Einstein came to me in a vision this morning. I awoke in the middle of the night and the head of Albert Einstein was directly next to my head on my left side. And I immediately knew it was Albert Einstein. Being right next to my own head, directly to my left, I immediately knew that this represented the left brain or logical brain. Then I looked forward from where I had been resting and sleeping. Before me was a white rectangular board, similar to the dimensions of the front of a door.

It could have also represented a mirror. On the door/mirror were symbols written in red lipstick. The symbols were written all over the board, much in the same way that Albert Einstein may have written equations on a chalkboard. The signs and symbols were all symmetrical in a fashion so that if they were looked at in a mirror they would appear the same forward and backward, top and bottom. The symbols I saw in red lipstick on the small white door/mirror before me were capital Os, Is, and dashes. So they appeared seemingly randomly, such as: O I I – O – – I I I O O – I – I – – O… All straight lines and circles that could be looked at symmetrically from left, right, top, and bottom in a mirror. There may have been other symbols, yet these are the symbols I can recall.

Since the vision was of Albert Einstein next to my left, logical brain, and since the symbols were in red lipstick on a mirror and were all symmetrical, I imagine all of this means something. I believe it is a message about the power of the mind and being made in the image of God as creators which reflect God in perfect symmetrical form. As it is through the time it often takes to allow interpretations to arrive, I allow the interpretation of this vision to arrive as it may. And as I am a Divine, powerful being, as we are all Divine, powerful beings, I also know that I may create the interpretation of my own Spiritually knowledgable accord. What else, God? I love You! Amen.”

Following my prayer, I held the closed book in my hands and opened it to this passage:

“X. On the Relativity of the Conception of Distance

Let us consider two particular points on the train 1 travelling along the embankment with the velocity v, and inquire as to their distance apart. We already know that it is necessary to have a body of reference for the measurement of a distance, with respect to which body the distance can be measured up. It is the simplest plan to use the train itself as the reference-body (co-ordinate system). An observer in the train measures the interval by marking off his measuring-rod in a straight line (e.g. along the floor of the carriage) as many times as is necessary to take him from the one marked point to the other. Then the number which tells us how often the rod has to be laid down is the required distance. 1
It is a different matter when the distance has to be judged from the railway line. Here the following method suggests itself. If we call A’ and B’ the two points on the train whose distance apart is required, then both of these points are moving with the velocity v along the embankment. In the first place we require to determine the points A and B of the embankment which are just being passed by the two points A’ and B’ at a particular time t—judged from the embankment. These points A and B of the embankment can be determined by applying the definition of time given in Section VIII. The distance between these points A and B is then measured by repeated application of the measuring-rod along the embankment. 2
A priori it is by no means certain that this last measurement will supply us with the same result as the first. Thus the length of the train as measured from the embankment may be different from that obtained by measuring in the train itself. This circumstance leads us to a second objection which must be raised against the apparently obvious consideration of Section VI. Namely, if the man in the carriage covers the distance w in a unit of time—measured from the train,—then this distance—as measured from the embankment—is not necessarily also equal to w. 3

Note 1. e.g. the middle of the first and of the hundredth carriage.

In my professional leadership training, we spoke often of velocity. Yet not in terms of mathematics alone. We referred to velocity as an enhancement of momentum. And we did not ascertain in most any case that velocity is better than the art of allowing life to unfold naturally. There is something to be said of “let it be”. Velocity is something to allow when it feels natural. When we are so lit up by the momentum in which life is unfolding naturally, velocity may then take shape. This covers the distance.

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